Reiki Online Course Canada

Reiki is a touch healing system to channel incomparable ease and power into living beings. This mindful act of using touch to activate a natural of process healing in the patient’s body has been around for ages.  This process helps restore physical and emotional well-being of the receiver. It can be practised on self and others.

This is a perfect course for you, if you:

  • Wish to heal self and others
  • Want to live a mindful life
  • With to promote healthy living

Reiki course in brampton

Reiki Level 1 Course - Information

Course Name: Reiki Level 1, 2 and Master Courses
Course type: Certificate
Campus: Brampton, ON
Days: Mon to Fri between
Time: 10 am to 5 pm (Call us for more details: +1 905-872-0088)

One on one classes available

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Course Outline - Reiki Level 1

Here’s the outline of what our professional Reiki teachers teach you in Reiki short courses.

Reiki - Level 1

attuning for reiki

Attuning: In Reiki Level One Course, you will learn to attune yourself to heal physical level diseases and imbalances  in the person who receives it.

Self-healing: Reiki Level 1 course includes healing sessions that help you in self-healing.

 reiki healing course in bramptonDirect healing of others: As a Reiki Level 1 healer, you will also be able to do healing for someone else who is physically present.

Reiki - Level 2

Duration: 2 days (8 hrs)

attuning for reiki

Healing others: In Reiki Level Two Course, you will learn to heal others.

 reiki healing course in bramptonDistance healing: As a Reiki Level 2 healer, you will learn how to heal someone from a distance.

Symbols: In this level of Reiki, you will learn how to use symbols.

Master Reiki

Duration: 1 day (8 hrs)

attuning for reiki

Levels 1 & 2: In the Master Reiki level, you study the first two levels of Reiki.

One-on-one and Distance: This level covers repetition and discussion about how one can do one-on-one and distance reiki.

 reiki healing course in bramptonInitiation: This is one of the most important parts of Master Reiki course.

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Contact us: +1 905-872-0088